Metabolism by I. Gunsalus (Eds.)

By I. Gunsalus (Eds.)

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1. FORMATE T h e fermentation of purines b y Clostridium cylindrosporum is illustrative of ATP-coupled formate release. W i t h guanine as substrate, t h e principal products are equivalent a m o u n t s of glycine and formic acid plus larger a m o u n t s of C 0 and ammonia and traces of a c e t a t e . Cell extracts ferment xanthine to formiminoglycine b y noncoupled hydrolytic reactions. F u r t h e r degradation of this intermediate requires the presence of substrate a m o u n t s of A D P and Pi.

ENERGY-YIELDING METABOLISM I N BACTERIA T h e possibilities presented in Schemes I I I a n d I V offer different esti­ m a t e s of net A T P gain b y t h e propionate fermentation. Although no energy yield is involved in propionate synthesis b y t h e transcarboxylation mech­ anism (Scheme I I I ) , one pair of electrons is d o n a t e d b y p y r u v a t e oxidation, presumably coupled t o phosphate u p t a k e . 66 A T P per glucose. T h e generation of propionate through phosphoenolp y r u v a t e (Scheme IV) could provide for a n e t u p t a k e of 2 i P per propionate formed, in addition t o t h e 2 derived from p y r u v a t e formation a n d oxida­ tion, increasing t h e total yield t o 4 A T P p e r glucose.

7 4 1 5 7 181 1 8 3 , 1 8 4 187 188 188-190 191 192a 192 193 III. Energy Growth and Yield A . GROWTH Y I E L D MEASUREMENTS Microbial growth, as represented b y t h e increase of cells in bacterial culture, is clearly described b y M o n o d and b y N o v i c k . T h e pertinent parameters for the culture a r e : (1) duration of t h e growth lag (L), (2) growth r a t e (R) expressed in time required for doubling of protoplasm (bacterial densitv), and (3) total growth (end point) of cells expressed as dry weight per unit volume.

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Metabolism by I. Gunsalus (Eds.)
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