Microwave transmission circuits by Ragan George L.

By Ragan George L.

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Ilectangular-wavcguidc mordibe kept perfectly general. It is nates. customary to simplify the problem by considering first the case of an ideal waveguidc with perfectly conducting walls. This consideration immediately imposes the boundary condition that the tangential component of the electric field must vanish on all conducting surfaces. The compact vector equations, involving Eqs. (110b) and (110d), are then expanded into expressions field components. This expansion is written in that system of coordinates in which the boundary conditions arc most easily expressed.

E— H------ z E E . 00. . ● ● . . Y . I ● .. s . . . . . * .. ● ● Intopaper o (b) 0 00 0 . 000 o 00 0 0 0. 0 a o0 . a o. *. . . . . . , . ● . . ● . . . . .. ● ● A poti(on of the yz-plane 213. -–l:icld. i,, :LDla,lc wal-c in ILCCspare. of currents and electric fields is more complicated than the assumptions of the conventional theory permit. To st~ldy these so-called “ higher This is modes, ” a more cornprchrnsive approach must be made. afforded by the application of electromagnetic thtwry to the problem.

ASprewhich the conductors are assumed to be perfectly conducting. viously noted, this assumption is good for ordinary metals at radio frequencies. The total loss in both conductors per unit length of a strip of waveguide of width a is (134) The power transmitted is, using Eqs. 243] Substitution factor SIMPLE PARALLEL-PLA 1’E WA VEGUIJ9A’ of these expressions in Eq. (126) gives the conductor 45 loss (136) It might seem odd that the strip width a does not appear in this expression. This is easily understood, however, when it is recalled that both power transmitted and power lost are directly proportional to a; hence the attenuation, their ratio, is independent of a.

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Microwave transmission circuits by Ragan George L.
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