Miniatures Battles Companion (Star Wars RPG) by Stephen Crane

By Stephen Crane

Booklet by way of Stephen Crane

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Attacking Opponents on the Ground A creature or alien flying at Low Level can attack a creature or soldier that it flies by. This combat takes place in the Movement Phase, as soon as contact is made. If the flier has multiple attacks it may attack as many opponents as it has Attack Forms. If the creature or alien has enough movement left and can turn tightly enough, it can even attack the original target again with another Attack Form. After the combat is resolved, the flier completes Attacking Opponents on the Ground A flying Iigure may attack a figure on the ground as it flies by.

The Move -# markers are used until the Strength limit is reached, then switch to the Walk-#markers. You will also need to keep track of the current Encumbrance Value of the squad's (or each soldier's) equipment. Soldiers may also carry larger items, such as droids or other soldiers, depending on the scenario. For purposes of determining encumbrance, a soldier or droid has an Encumbrance Rating of 25. A soldier carrying an item with an Encumbrance Value 01 20 or greater cannot fire a weapon or engage in close assault combat without first dropping the item.

The guard may not have previously fired in the current Fire Combat Phase. Killing a prisoner is automatic. A guard may kill two prisoners in one Fire Combat Phase. Theexecuted prisoners are removed from the table. If the soldier is guarding more than two prisoners. he may continue to execute them in the next Fire Combat Phase. However, the remaining prisoners may attempt to escape in the following Morale Phase. Generally. soldiers of the Rebel Alliance or the New Republic do not kill their prisoners, but this action is not beneath most Imperials, pirates.

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Miniatures Battles Companion (Star Wars RPG) by Stephen Crane
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