Moodle 2.0 First Look by Cooch Mary

By Cooch Mary

The e-book seems to be on the major practical components of Moodle that experience major new positive aspects, explains the recent positive aspects and the way to take advantage of them. It attracts awareness to major variations from how issues used to act, and provides the reader an concept of the type of effects those adjustments will deliver to them. while you're an latest Moodle person, show, or administrator, then this booklet is for you. you're anticipated to be accustomed to the operation of Moodle.

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Now, students and teachers can only be assigned to the courses they work in and hopefully those panicked cries for help will become a thing of the past. Likewise, admins can now see at a glance exactly which roles in which courses certain users have. As you can see in the preceding screenshot, the user Andy Field is shown as a teacher in one course and a student in another. This makes it much easier to track users and better understand the permissions they have in different courses. 0, you will be pleased to know that yet another oft-requested feature, site-wide groups, or Cohorts, has been developed.

This ensures that this name is reflected in the link in the Navigation block, instead of the numbered topic: If the course is in weekly sections, then the weeks display in the list in a similar way to the topic numbers or names. We can further expand the links to display the activities within those topic sections. So if, for example we click First Steps in French (which is the renamed Topic 1) we then get: [ 31 ] Finding our way around (Navigation and Blocks) Additionally, in selecting that one particular topic in the Navigation block, that section becomes the only one visible in the central area of Moodle.

Cohorts should enable us to do away with the need for metacourses or roles assigned at a category level. We'll look at the implications of these site-wide groups along with enhanced user-management in Chapter 8, Admin Issues. We'll cast an overview too of other exciting aspects such as the Portfolio API and the Moodle Community Hub which promise to simplify resource sharing and make learning truly, globally collaborative. 0? The advantage of Open Source software is that anyone can grab a copy for free and have a play around with it.

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Moodle 2.0 First Look by Cooch Mary
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