Nonlinear dynamics aspects on particle accelerators by John M. Jowett, Melvin Month, Stuart Turner

By John M. Jowett, Melvin Month, Stuart Turner

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This is a huge space. Under the weak topology on Dm , Tj ! T if and only if Tj ϕ ! T ϕ for all forms ϕ 2 D m . Any oriented m-dimensional rectifiable set may be viewed as a current as follows. Let SE x denote the unit m-vector associated with the oriented tangent plane to S at x. Then for any differential m-form ϕ, define SE x , ϕ d H m . Sϕ D S Furthermore, we will allow S to carry a positive integer multiplicity with S x d H m < 1, and define SE x , ϕ Sϕ D x, x d H m. S Finally, we will require that S have compact support.

The final conclusion (5) rests on the interesting fact that if a Lipschitz function is approximately differentiable at a, it is differentiable at a. We conclude this discussion with a proof of that fact. Suppose that the Lipschitz function f: Rm ! Rn is approximately differentiable at a but not differentiable at a. We may assume a D 0, f 0 D 0 and ap Df 0 D 0. For some 0 < ε < 1, there is a sequence of points ai ! 0 such that jf ai j ½ εjai j. Let C D maxfLip f, 1g. Then, for x in the closed ball B ai , εjai j/3C , jf x j ½ εjai j εjai j/3 ½ εjxj/2.

We have seen examples of m-dimensional normal currents based on higherdimensional sets. The following theorem shows that even real flat chains cannot be supported in lower-dimensional sets. 4 . 7. 20]. If T 2 Fm Rn and I m spt T D 0, then T D 0. EXAMPLES. The current S Á H 0 f 0, 0 g ^ e1 2 D1 is not flat because I spt S D I 1 f 0, 0 g D 0. The current 1 TDH 1 f 0, y : 0 Ä y Ä 1g ^ e1 is not flat, because if it were, its projection on the x-axis, which is S, would be flat. 15]). The suggestiveness of the term flat is a happy accident.

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Nonlinear dynamics aspects on particle accelerators by John M. Jowett, Melvin Month, Stuart Turner
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