Note on Absorption Measurements of the X-Rays Reflected from by Woo Y. H.

By Woo Y. H.

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The first class consists of substances that dilute the mixture and thus reduce the probabilities of absorption of ionizing radiation by the solvent, and of the various energy transfer processes that follow the absorption of radiation. Aliphatic hydrocarbons and alcohols fall into this categoryChemical quenchers interfere in the scintillation process by deexcitation of the solvent. If this interference is small, these quenchers are termed mild quenchers. Examples of mild quenchers are R-Cl, R-NH2, R-CH = CH-R, R--SR, RCOOH (R representing an alkyl group).

1 Introduction; Terminology Direct methods for the measurement of radioactivity are sometimes referred to as "absolute," and standards so produced are often designated as "absolute" or "primary" standards. The word "absolute" bears the connotation, however, of being without error. Only the defined standards, such as the kilogram, are without error. 6) is "absoluten in the sense that it is measured in terms of the reciprocal second. Such a standard is an "absolute measure" but, like all measurements made in relation to the defined standards, is not devoid of error.

A delay, of time t,, elapses before the primary electrons reach the multiplication region. 2 PROPORTIONAL COUNTERS / 27 Fig. 8. Voltage pulse from proportional counter. As described in the text, curve A represents the undifferentiated and curve B the differentiated responses. ) &. of the order of 1 ps. This delay time, which is variable, should not be overlooked when coincidence experiments are carried out. Initially the pulse rises very fast (curve A), first as a result of the movement of the electrons (tl to tz),then of the positive ions traveling in the strong field near the wire.

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Note on Absorption Measurements of the X-Rays Reflected from by Woo Y. H.
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