Options for Transitional Security Capabilities for America by Terrence M. Kelly

By Terrence M. Kelly

In Iraq and in other places, the us wishes a legislation enforcement potential for balance operations. How may still this type of strength be created and what services should still it include? This record examines the features of this sort of strength and the demanding situations that needs to be confronted in developing it.

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15 Department of Defense (DoD), DoJ, the State Department, or some other agency will affect the type of people recruited, its ability to work with other agencies, its focus, and any number of other issues. The considerations associated with different ownership options will form the core of the evaluation of options presented in the remainder of this report. Criteria Used to Evaluate TLE Options To answer the question of who should own the TLE force and what impact this decision would have on force capabilities and characteristics, we created a list of nine criteria, which will be used as the basis for the discussion of the options developed in the next chapter.

As part of an IO effort) or by some other mechanism, such as the current method of contracting. The two pathways outlined above share some attributes. At the start of an operation, TLE forces will often need to operate under military control or in close cooperation with the military command. Common understandings of doctrine, culture, mission, and a host of other factors would be needed. This makes close cooperation in doctrine development and training between the military and the TLE forces important.

Army MP School, June 6, 2005. S. S. Army MP School. 14 With the elevated concern for homeland security as well as natural disasters, ARNG MPs are often in high demand, and governors may raise concerns when they are deployed. The implications of this and other differences are discussed in more detail in the next chapter. Furthermore, USAR units are restricted in their domestic efforts by the Posse Comitatus Act, which does not restrict the ARNG when in state status. For this reason, Chapter Four will concentrate on the ARNG variant of this suboption.

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Options for Transitional Security Capabilities for America by Terrence M. Kelly
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