Plants for Life: Medicinal Plant Conservation and Botanic by Belinda Hawkins

By Belinda Hawkins

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Org BGCI Descanso House 199 Kew Road Richmond Surrey TW9 3BW +44 (0)20 8332 5953 1. Out of the thousands of threatened medicinal plant species, which, in your opinion, are outstanding priority species for conservation action over the next 5 years? 2. In your opinion, what are the immediate priorities for medicinal plants in relation to CITES? 3. In your opinion, what are the priority methodologies for medicinal plant conservation? 4. How do you think botanic gardens can best complement the medicinal plant conservation being undertaken by other NGOs or agencies?

Development of village-specific home herbal health kits and home gardens with medicinal species for self healing, to include plants both of conservation concern and those under no perceived threat. , Osyris lanceolata, Rhoicissus revoilii, Toddalia asiatica, Warburgia salutaris, Withania somnifera, Zanha africana and Zanthoxylum chalybeum. raymondii and Sarcolaena delphinensis. University of Antananarivo Madagascar Plants Specialist Group IUCN As part of its joint initiative with IUCN – The World Conservation Union, BGCI is working on the assessment of Important Plant Areas in Madagascar.

For Aloes, Aquilarias and Cinchonas only those species that have been assessed as CR, EN or VU on the 2007 Red List of Threatened Species have been screened against the PlantSearch database. For Panax spp. we have used both the 2007 Red Listed species and those specifically suggested to us as of conservation priority. Only 3 Hoodia spp. appear on the 2007 Red List and all are classified as LC. Number of species from priority 5 genera that are held in botanic garden collections Other species and IUCN Red List status Aloe – 21 spp.

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