Police Leadership: A Primer for the Individual and the by Quinn McCarthy

By Quinn McCarthy

This quantity is going past different books on police management by way of exploring the subject from a distinctively police viewpoint. in response to a management version constructed particularly for the police chief, the booklet makes a speciality of behaviour and the way that behaviour shapes either the tradition and the weather of a company.

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OK, while I can understand the need to centralize certification-related training, I had a difficult time understanding why I was not responsible for individual tactical training within my squad. In my mind, one of the major responsibilities of a supervisor is to ensure that their people are proficient in all aspects of their job. To abdicate this responsibility, to my mind and experience, to someone else was analogous to surrendering a significant part of leadership. I pressed on with my inquiries of the academy staff and during a meeting with both the training commander and the sergeant, I was finally made aware of the major concern that they both held.

The constants are as follows: 1. Leaders need to be competent. 2. Leaders need to make sure that their subordinates share the organization's philosophy and that the organization shares the employees' philosophy. 3. Leaders are responsible for the "work" personality of their subordinates. 4. Leaders are the organization's ambassadors to everyone inside and outside the organization. So what do these constants mean to leadership style? First, it should be noted that the style a leader uses is never as black and white as the books define.

Motivation is neutral. Motivation is a personal emotion that a leader must responsibly act upon. It is this force - you the leader - acting on that motivation that shapes it into either a positive or negative action. 4. Being right requires follow-through. Actions speak louder than words. A leader should never make promises that they cannot or do not intend to keep. Further, just saying the right thing without follow-up is essentially the same thing as saying nothing at all. S. Decisions are rarely - if ever - perfect.

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