Politics: The Japanese Way by Jon Woronoff (auth.)

By Jon Woronoff (auth.)

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Dhira was adamant about staying while Fukuda (backed by Miki and Nakasone) insisted that he should go. The two rivals therefore competed as candidates for prime minister, leav- Unity (before the public) in diversity (offstage). The LDP concluding another convention. Credit: Foreign Press Center/Kyodo -56- ing the choice to the Diet and not the LDP. Again Tanaka's influence was decisive in letting Ohira continue. But Fukuda kept pushing and was joined by Moo and Nakasone (who also wanted the post) in an anti-leadership plot.

Their stature was greatly enhanced after the Meiji Restoration, since they were directly responsible to the emperor and not the Diet. While sometimes used as a tool of the politicians first and then the military, they always retained considerable influence because they were the -32- ones who knew how the administration worked and their cooperation was essential. While now formally subject to the will of the government, they still know best how to make the state machinery run smoothly. And that has ensured them a continuing and prominent role in the nation's affairs.

2 This was further complicated by the eclipse of some -39- politicians who were initially purged by SCAP, mainly those accused of collaboration with the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, some of them irredeemably reactionary, others much less so. But this purge did not last long and many returned to politics in the early 1950s. They joined the conservative parties as did numerous depurged bureaucrats. Meanwhile, reacting to strikes and leftist agitation, another purge was ordered by General MacArthur in 1949-50.

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Politics: The Japanese Way by Jon Woronoff (auth.)
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