Project Management with Dynamic Scheduling: Baseline by Mario Vanhoucke

By Mario Vanhoucke

The subject of this ebook is named dynamic scheduling, and is used to consult 3 dimensions of venture administration and scheduling: the development of a baseline agenda and the research of a undertaking schedule’s hazard as coaching of the venture regulate section in the course of undertaking growth. This dynamic scheduling perspective implicitly assumes that the usability of a project’s baseline agenda is very constrained and in simple terms acts as some extent of reference within the venture lifestyles cycle. as a result, a venture agenda should still specifically be regarded as not anything greater than a predictive version that may be used for source potency calculations, time and price threat analyses, venture monitoring and function size, and so on.

In this e-book, the 3 dimensions of dynamic scheduling are highlighted intimately and are in accordance with and encouraged via a mixture of educational study stories at Ghent collage (, in-company trainings at Vlerick enterprise tuition ( and consultancy initiatives at OR-AS ( First, the development of a venture baseline agenda is a important subject in the course of the a variety of chapters of the ebook, and is mentioned from a complexity perspective with and with out the presence of venture assets. moment, the construction of an wisdom of the susceptible elements in a baseline agenda is mentioned on the finish of the 2 baseline scheduling elements as agenda probability research recommendations that may be utilized on most sensible of the baseline agenda. 3rd, the baseline time table and its probability analyses can be utilized as directions throughout the venture keep an eye on step the place real deviations could be corrected in the margins of the project’s time and value reserves.

The moment version of this booklet has obvious corrections, additions and amendments intimately in the course of the e-book. in addition bankruptcy 15 on "Dynamic Scheduling with ProTrack" has been thoroughly rewritten and prolonged with a bit on "ProTrack as a learn tool".

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Chapter 3 The Critical Path Method Abstract This chapter makes an effort to tighten the gap between the project scheduling literature and the needs of project managers and schedulers through the use of a practical computerized simulation game. Project managers are constantly confronted with the intricacy of scheduling a complex real-life problem in an efficient way when they often have little knowledge of the state-of-the-art in the algorithmic developments or inherent characteristics of the scheduling problem they solve.

For more detailed information about problem formulations and solution methods, the reader is referred to papers written by Crowston and Thompson (1967), Crowston (1970), Robinson (1975), Billstein and Radermacher (1977), Wiest and Levy (1977), Hindelang and Muth (1979), Patterson (1979), Elmaghraby and Kamburowsky (1992), De et al. (1995, 1997), Demeulemeester and Herroelen (1996), Demeulemeester et al. (1998), and Skutella (1998). In the next sections, the DTCTP will be embedded in the simulation game, such that project managers can easily get acquainted with the scheduling problem, without knowing exact formulations or advanced solution methods.

These strict assumptions might lead to inaccuracies and has been the subject of a lot of research. In Chap. 5, the PERT technique is extended to Monte-Carlo simulation analyses, which allows to analyze the distribution of the critical path without the restricted PERT assumptions. For an overview of the pitfalls of making traditional PERT assumptions, the reader is referred to Elmaghraby (1977). 5 Conclusion This chapter outlined the basic concepts of the definition and scheduling phases of a project’s life cycle.

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