Signs and Wonders (Harmony Novels) by Philip Gulley

By Philip Gulley

Domestic to all demeanour of quirky characters and the occasional daily miracle, to understand tiny concord, Indiana, is to like it -- as minister Sam Gardner does and consistently has. Even crackpot, high-flying salvation schemes can't reduce Harmony's allure -- a spot as with regards to heaven as seekers of the easy lifestyles are inclined to locate.

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Signs and Wonders (Harmony Novels)

Domestic to all demeanour of quirky characters and the occasional daily miracle, to grasp tiny concord, Indiana, is to like it -- as minister Sam Gardner does and consistently has. Even crackpot, high-flying salvation schemes can't reduce Harmony's charm -- a spot as almost about heaven as seekers of the straightforward lifestyles tend to locate.

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If they looked to the south, they could see Asa and Jessie Peacock’s new barn on the hill behind their house. The schoolhouse is the highest building in Harmony, if you don’t count the grain bin at the Co-op. It is three stories tall and was built in 1929 on the south end of Washington Street. The school was going to be four stories tall, but the Depression hit and the town ran out of money and had to stop at three stories. People moved to the city to look for work, and they didn’t need four stories after all.

A lot of people are that way. They’re book smart, but they don’t have any common sense. Take me for instance, I’ve never been to college, but I know a whole lot more than people who’ve got two or three college degrees. ” “That’s certainly impressive,” Deena agreed. “Oh, look, I’m home. Thank you for the walk, Ervin. ” He stopped past the next three evenings to ask her for a walk. She thanked him, but told him she didn’t feel well. Fern collared her at church the next Sunday. “You know, someone who’s sick as much as you are ought to have good health insurance.

Uly liked the Ferris wheel most of all. They were on their third loop when the Ferris wheel broke down with S i g n s a n d Wo n d e r s 43 Uly and his daddy in the top car. They were stuck up there for two hours. It turned dark while they were up there. All over town, they could see the streetlights blink on, one by one. It was the most time Uly had ever spent alone with his father. At home his daddy would be watching TV, and Uly would say something and his father would say, “Don’t bother me now, son.

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Signs and Wonders (Harmony Novels) by Philip Gulley
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