Similarity Avoidance in Bengali Fixed-Segment Reduplication by Sameer ud Dowla Khan

By Sameer ud Dowla Khan

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1998) study on the frequency of words, roots, morphemes, phonemes, and other structures in the Bengali language, consonant cooccurrence measurements can be made for each pair of consonants; these measurements can be considered the observed rate of cooccurrence (O), which can be compared to the expected rate of cooccurrence (E), calculated from the overall occurrence of the two sounds in those word positions, independent of the other consonant(s). Because /t/-initial stems are relatively rare in Bengali,30 consonant cooccurrence was calculated only in words where /t/ served as the intervocalic onset of the second 30 Although coronal stops are normally considered rather unmarked universally, Bengali /t/ is the modern reflex of what was once retroflex /ʈ/, often considered a marginal phoneme in older Indic languages.

49) are to /t/. 33). 19) is to /t/. g. g. {t, d}) in measurements of larger sets of phonemes. This decrease in similarity can arise due to the change in inventory size, as a natural class loses its significance when it includes within it the entire inventory of phonemes in a given set. In the example of {d,t}, measuring similarity across the entire Bengali inventory places both phonemes in the natural classes [+coronal] (the class of coronals), [-sonorant] (the class of obstruents), and [-delayed release] (the class of stops), among several others.

A score of zero (0) indicates that despite whatever cooccurrence rate we may have expected given the word list, there were no observed cooccurrences. A score of one (1) indicates that the observed rate of cooccurrence was equal to the expected rate. Scores above one (1) indicate that the observed cooccurrence rate was higher than what was expected given the word list. 5 0 t l t̪ t̪ʰ d̪ ɹ ʃ k d p n m bʱ tʃ h tʃʰ tʰ pʰ Consonant Figure 22. Observed / Expected Cooccurrence Rates of selected Standard Kolkata Bengali phonemes with /t/, using data collected from Mallik et al.

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Similarity Avoidance in Bengali Fixed-Segment Reduplication by Sameer ud Dowla Khan
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