By Richard M. Burton
STRATEGIC ORGANIZATIONAL analysis AND layout, 3rd Edition, systematically surveys the substantive literature on organizational layout and develops the theoretical framework of a number of contingency organizational layout. The a number of contingencies within the theoretical framework disguise the contingencies of dimension, know-how, atmosphere, and approach, in addition to management type and organizational weather and tradition. those contingencies are mapped into layout parameters equivalent to organizational configuration, specialization, determination authority, info processing, coordination and keep an eye on, and incentives.
The publication examines a number of current organizational events — which may comprise the reader's association — and offers the constitution and research to diagnose and investigate what should be performed to have a extra effective and powerful association. Burton and Obel's dynamic a number of contingency conception of companies offers the analytical framework and instruments for the OrgCon© — a knowledge-base specialist method which has been completely vetted with company executives.
The accompanying software program, the OrgCon© with education advisor and circumstances (CD certain into the book), presents a managerial device package to enhance the potency and effectiveness of enterprises. particularly, OrgCon© deals the chief or scholar a "hands on" wisdom of organizational layout. It publications the chief or pupil via circumstances or their very own association and permits them to investigate genuine international organizational difficulties and search concrete association layout suggestions. The publication and the software program device equipment are an built-in package deal and mix to supply the analytical framework and instruments that may lead to construction intuitive realizing of association layout via interactive applications.
For additional info at the booklet and OrgCon©, see the subsequent URLs: (hardbound) (paperback)
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Analyzing organizations involves four steps: 1. Specify the organization's situation in terms ofthe particular organization analyzed. 2. Transform the specification under step 1 into general concepts usable for design purpose. 3. Provide general recommendations based on the specifications under step 2. 4. Translate the general recommendations to specific recommendations for the particular organization. This book is about the knowledge we have to move from step 2 to step 3. It shows how general knowledge from a number of sources can help guide the particular organization in its choice of a proper organizational design.
Building Expert Systems. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Jin Y. and RE. Levitt. " Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 2 (3),171-196 Khandwalla, P. 1973. " Academy of Management Journal, 16, 481-495. March, James G. And Herbert A. Simon. 1958. Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 262 p. McGrath, J. , J. A. Kulka. 1982. Judgement Calls in Research. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. , and K Harbison-Briggs. 1989. Knowledge Acquisition: Principles and Guidelines. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Also, the cfs on all possible recommendations can be inspected. If there are many different recommendations all with high cfs, then the possibility for a design parameter misfit exists. The organizational theory literature itself includes hypotheses on such possible misfits. For example, ifformalization is low, then incentives should not be based on process, appliance to standards, and procedures. Khandwalla (1973) showed that design parameter fit would lead to higher performance. The concept of design parameter fit is associated with the notion of equifinality (Doty, Glick and Huber, 1993).
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