Systemic Entrepreneurship: Contemporary Issues and Case by Gideon Maas, P. Jones

By Gideon Maas, P. Jones

Systemic Entrepreneurship specializes in growing an knowledge of systemic entrepreneurship and illustrates the truth that one must strategy entrepreneurial aid actions from many various angles.

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And Proost, J. (2009) ‘Towards a Better Conceptual Framework for Innovation Processes in Agriculture and Rural Development: From Linear Models to Systemic Approaches’. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 15(2), 131–46. com/dictionary/systemic), date accessed 22 October 2014. , Shrivastava, P. and Haertle, J. (2013) Management Education for the World – A Vision for Business Schools Serving People and Planet (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing). , O’Reilly, C. and Lupton, G. (2011) ‘The Entrepreneurial University: Examining the Underlying Academic Tensions’.

G. ’ Environmental Education Research, 19(3), 385–414. , Knights, D. and Jarvis, C. (2012) ‘A Labour of Love? Academics in Business Schools’. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 28, 5–15. Clarke, T. (2008) ‘The Business Schools: 50 Years on’. Education + Training, 50(1), 52–4. David, F. , David, M. E. and David, F. R. ’ Business Horizons, 54, 51–62. Davies, J. and Hilton, T. (2014) ‘Building Better Business Schools’. Global Focus, 8(1), 52–5. Dewey, J. (1938) Experience and Education (New York: Collier).

However, limited research has addressed the influence of psychological variables such as happiness on the EI of students. This is a surprising finding, knowing the amount of attention that the field of happiness studies has received over the past few decades and the benefits and advantages that have been found to be linked to happiness. The primary objective of this study is to identify and propose a hypothesised model of various determinants of students’ perceived happiness on their EI that could be used to empirically test their impact among students at HEIs in South Africa.

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