The 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming and by K Udaya Kumar

By K Udaya Kumar

The 8085 Microprocessor: structure, Programming and Interfacing -Pearson-Udaykumar-2008-EDN-1

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Primitives. > denotes an invocation of a virtual machine primitive. ) Any code following the primitive is executed only if the primitive fails. The same syntax is also used for method annotations. Unary messages consist of a single word (like factorial) sent to a receiver (like 3). 52 Syntax in a nutshell Binary messages are operators (like +) sent to a receiver and taking a single argument. In 3+4, the receiver is 3 and the argument is 4. Keyword messages consist of multiple keywords (like raisedTo:modulo:), each ending with a colon and taking a single argument.

Notice that the method is called initialize. The name is very significant! By convention, if a class defines a method named initialize, it will be called right after the object is created. So, when we evaluate LOCell new, the message initialize will be sent automatically to this newly created object. Initialize methods are used to set up the state of objects, typically to set their instance variables; this is exactly what we are doing here. The first thing that this method does (line 2) is to execute the initialize method of its superclass, SimpleSwitchMorph.

Action-click in the protocol pane and select various categorize automatically to fix this, and move the initialize methods to a new protocol called initialization. How does Pharo know that this is the right protocol? Well, in general Pharo can’t know, but in this case there is also an initialize method in a superclass, and Pharo assumes that our initialize method should go in the same category as the one that it overrides. A typographic convention. Smalltalkers frequently use the notation “>>” to identify the class to which a method belongs, so, for example, the cellsPerSide method in class LOGame would be referred to as LOGame>> cellsPerSide.

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