By Michael Wallace
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5 Because its business also involves specifying the seals for its customers, it has become as much an engineering consultant as it is a manufacturer. Chris Rea, the Chairman and owner of AESSEAL®, says, ‘Service is a vital part of the company’s strategy. Of the company’s 920 employees, just under half are in service-related jobs – most concerned with specifying the nature of the seal that AESSEAL® will make for individual customers from 20 million possible types. Our product is not a commodity.
6 chapter 1 • O p e r at I O n s s t r at e g y – d e ve l O p I n g r e s O u r c e s f O r s t r at e g I c I m pac t ●● Business objectives may not ever become ‘clear’. In fact, most organisations will have multiple objectives that may themselves conflict. For example, an outsourcing decision may improve profitability but could involve a firm in long-term reputational risk. ●● Markets are intrinsically unstable in the long term so there must be some limit to the usefulness of regarding strategy as simply planning what to do in the future.
3 the relationship between the concepts of the ‘business model’ and the ‘operating model’ Business strategy The business model Functional strategies Marketing strategy Operations strategy Finance strategy Technology strategy Operational marketing Operational operations Operational finance Operational technology sets the overall purpose and objectives for defines how the business model will be achieved The operating model Operations and functional strategy – the ‘c suite’ perspective Earlier we established that the transformation model, on which operations activities are based, not only applies to all types of business, but also describes functions other than the operations function, such as marketing, finance, information systems and HRM.
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