The Economics of German Unification by A. Ghanie Ghaussy, Wolf Schäfer

By A. Ghanie Ghaussy, Wolf Schäfer

German unification is proving even more tough than used to be initially envisaged. the mixing of 2 nationwide economies with varied monetary orders, various sectoral buildings and divergent degrees of improvement turns out set to take many years. This well timed exam of the most important concerns concerned emphasises the influence of unification on various sectors of the financial system and their most probably results.

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Some are already speaking of the ‘administration of a bankrupt estate by means of social plan’. ‘The mistakes and failings of the economy policy are so grave that one must expect lasting consequences for the peace of German society if a rethinking does not occur soon’ (Sinn, G. -W. 1991:VII). REFERENCES Apolte, T. and Cassel, D. (1991) ‘Osteuropa: Probleme und Perspektiven der Transformation sozialistischer Wirtschaftssysteme’, List-Forum, 17:22–55. V. (19 9 0) ‘Fragen zur Reform der DD R-Wirtschaft’ (Beihefte der Konjunkturpolitik, 37), Berlin.

Its strategy of only modernizing socialism was rejected by the majority of the citizens. This government rather increased the pressure inside the GDR to change the whole system and to integrate into the FRG. This process was backed by the rules of the constitution of the F RG, the Basic Law. According to this constitution, all citizens of the G DR were quasi-citizens of the FRG. When they moved to the FRG they immediately received full citizenship and were entitled to draw on all welfare funds.

5 to 8). The main reasons for this decline in the net output of manufacturing were the huge revaluation effect of the introduction of the deutschmark, the unexpected breakdown of trade relations with the former Comecon countries, the strategy of the trade unions to increase the wages in eastern Germany irrespective of the development of productivity, and great deficiencies in the enterprises’ ability to adjust to the new conditions of doing business in competitive markets. These elements widened the gap between the appropriate endowment with deutschmarks and the disposable amount of deutschmarks.

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The Economics of German Unification by A. Ghanie Ghaussy, Wolf Schäfer
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