The General and Restricted Problems of Three Bodies: Course by Victor Szebehely

By Victor Szebehely

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K. Sitnikov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, USSR, 133, 303, (1960). M. Standish, in Periodic Orbits and Stability, Reidel Publ. , p. 375, (1970). M. Standish, Celestial Mechanics, i, 44, (1971). E. Stiefel and G. , Berlin, (1971). F. , J2, 105, (1912). 52 Bibliography for the General Problem V. Szebehely, Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sciences, USA, 58, 60, (1967). V. Szebehely, in Periodic Orbits and Stability, Reidel Publ. , p. 382, ( 1970). V. Szebehely, Celestial Mechanics, 4, 116, (1971). v. Szebehely, Astronomical Journal, zz, v.

Szebehely, Celestial Mechanics, 4, 116, (1971). v. Szebehely, Astronomical Journal, zz, v. Szebehely, Celestial Mechanics, 2, 84, 169, (1972). (1972). V. Szebehely, Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sciences, USA, 69, v. 1077,(1972~ Szebehely, Proc. Mtg. in Athens, 1972, Reidel Publ. Co. (1974). V. Szebehely and F. Peters, Astronomical Journal, 11, 876,(1967). v. , 1187,(1967). Szebehely and F. Peters, Astronomical Journal, V. Szebehely and T. Feagin~ Celestial Mechanics~ ~' 11~ (1973). A. Tevzadze, Akad. Nauk.

Before an inflexion point is reached, I certainly will be higher than Ic; how much higher depends on expansion with high value of f will I. A fast carry I higher without in- flexion than a slow expansion. _ 'i > This will be a proper minimum with Ic co~ and have O. nln =1 and with h 0 0 • From Sundman 1 s modified inequali ty we have 1 < 12, corresponding to i, =i 2=0 then L, E L2 or Since 12 > I1 we have Note that as t~ zero or a constant value I 00 1 + 0. 0 I cannot approach either Now attention is directed to the above inequality.

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