The Internet for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals by Margaret J. A. Edwards Ph.D., R.N. (auth.)

By Margaret J. A. Edwards Ph.D., R.N. (auth.)

BACK conceal replica OF 1E: Does the net supply whatever past never-ending buying at cybermalls, a plethora of computing device video games, and a world digital clubhouse for laptop nerds? Is there something in the market for nurses and allied healthiness pros? As Margaret Edwards' e-book the web FOR NURSES AND ALLIED healthiness execs, demonstrates, the answer's a powerful "YES!" This booklet is a primer to the web in case you have very little machine event. In simple language, it describes the net and the way it really works, together with the way to use a variety of net instruments. furthermore, this publication presents an in depth directory of health-related web assets, from an online model of the yankee magazine of Nursing, to the "Virtual Nursing Centre." The reader will locate this listing, entire with descriptions of every access, a treasure trove of the knowledge assets to be had for overall healthiness Care pros on the web. should you want to know how others have handled a proposed health and wellbeing care switch, you cannot wait 3 months for the subsequent convention or 9 months for the subsequent publication to come back out -- that is should you observe the genuine strength of the web: it helps you to alternate details with friends all over the world immediately, supplying you with the information facet to maintain your nursing or future health care perform expert and innovative. With a Foreward by way of Kathryn J. Hannah.

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Com), for example, simultaneously submits your search to nine different search engines. There is no BEST search site or approach because your needs vary each time you want to find information on the Internet. In the examples above, it is very efficient to use a search site to locate very specific material related to lactose intolerance. However, if you just want to see what the Internet has to offer in an area such as nutrition, it may be much more profitable and efficient to use a directory and follow the links, or consult a catalogue such as the one provided in Appendix II.

Available: Supplier/Database identifier or number [Access date]. Author/editor. (Year). Title (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/path/File [Access date]. ), [CDROM]. (1992). Available: Oxford UP [1995, May 27]. * Pritzker, T. J. (No date). An Early fragment from central Nepal [Online]. html [1995, June 8]. * Write "No date" when the electronic publication date is not available. * When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

Each file is then categorized in one or more ways. By looking at all the categories, the administrator can group files together. Those groupings form Gopher menu pages. Each file in the group is an item on the menu page and has a descriptive title line. Often the menu pages can be arranged in a hierarchical fashion. The administrator then builds links between the menu pages to reflect this hierarchy. edu:700 bout the Student Health Services HEAL THUNE Student Health Service Information What's (New) on HEALTHUNE Calendar/ Events/Presentations Insurance Information General Health Information Drug & Alcohol Information Sexuality Sexual Assault Recovery Service (SARS) Health Care Reform in Montana (NEW) Internet Health-related Resources Received 11 menu items ...

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The Internet for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals by Margaret J. A. Edwards Ph.D., R.N. (auth.)
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