The Minutes of the Lazarus Club by Tony Pollard

By Tony Pollard

E-book by means of Tony Pollard

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I pushed the heart, which just happened to be our last fresh specimen, around the board with the blade of a scalpel. This allowed me to clarify points of detail which may have been less than clear due to the incarceration of the previous example. After pointing out the pulmonary veins, the aorta and vena cava, I turned the heart and moved on to the ventricle and the heart bulb. Brunel asked one question after another, his incisive comments and queries forcing me to dust off an expertise which had lain almost dormant since completing a programme of detailed research some years before.

The steward in charge called us to order and handed a bottle of champagne attached to a cord to a young lady, who Brunel informed me was the daughter of one of the company directors. There was a moment of hesitation before the man with the list of ship’s names whispered something into her ear. ’ With that, she let go of the bottle, which span through the air and shattered against the metal hull. There was a ripple of applause as the champagne dripped down the plates of painted iron. ’ He laughed and, clearly excited by the prospect, told me he was going up to the launch podium, suggesting I find myself a good vantage point somewhere at a safe distance.

The diminutive figure of Brunel appeared on the podium, his hat removed so as to prevent it blowing away in the breeze which caused the flags he held in each hand to flutter healthily. The one in his right hand was red and that in his left green. I guessed that these were to be used in the same fashion as a conductor’s baton, to send signals to the teams of men who had by now mustered around the levers of the forward and aft checking drums. Other groups of labourers were positioned at the rams distributed along the length of the ship.

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The Minutes of the Lazarus Club by Tony Pollard
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