The Mysteries of Ugarit - History, Daily Life by Ann E. Killebrew

By Ann E. Killebrew

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4,~:P,.. , . ,, . ':-: . ':i::. 7-. 6 ',,. :-. " ,. '. 7C' ..... '"-'-' :' ^/:''^^' .? , . - ? ~-. s;45 '... Thequeen Syriandynastiesassuredimportant of the land of Ugaritwas able toplay not onlya politicalor legalrolein the internalaffairsof the kingdom,butalsoa vital economicrole. "GrantmeLadyHurraythe mostgracefulof yourdescendants, your first-born,(the one) whose grace is equal to the grace of Anat; equal to the beauty of Ashtart is her beauty. " Extractfrom TheLegendof Kirta.

Some houses had none at all, while others had one and occasionally two. In the 5,700squaremetersuncovered in this zone, 37 houses and 14 tombs have been isolated. Even though many houses have not been excavatedentirely,it is evident that certain residences did not possess tombs. The ratio in this area is one tomb to every two to three houses. In the rest of the city,the proportionvariesnoticablyfrom area to area, but always according to the housing density. It does appear,however, that this ratiois roughlyrepresentativeof the entire city.

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The Mysteries of Ugarit - History, Daily Life by Ann E. Killebrew
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