The New Sufferings of Young W by Ulrich Plenzdorf

By Ulrich Plenzdorf

Essentially the most talked-about works ever released within the German Democratic Republic! This leading edge novel by means of an East German author is a worthwhile spouse to the vintage it parodies and parallels: Goethe's The Sufferings of younger Werther. Goethe and J. D. Salinger have been the 2 maximum affects on Edgar Wibeau, "Young W." Edgar is a 17-year-old with the frustrations of kids world wide, residing with the further pressures of an East-bloc kingdom. A version all-GDR boy, the son of a manufacturing facility director, he by surprise drops out. yet no longer from socialism according to se--just from conformity, choosy rules, and authentic disapproval of denims, the blues, and women. Hiding out, he unearths and devours an outdated reproduction of The Sufferings of younger Werther. From then on he wards off fact with Goethe texts, and younger Wibeau's destiny is superimposed on that of Werther like a clear overlay. it truly is an ironic and revealing linkage.

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Most of them wore head protection and when no one was looking they naturally took it off. With the result that Flemming immediately went through the ceiling. He didn't have anything against long hair, but in the shop . . unfortunately . . and so on. When I saw the way he'd grin then, I'd just about explode. I don't know what you'd call that when people constantly get harassed because of their hair. I'd like to know who you're hurting with it. I always thought Flemming was a real bastard then.

He'd probably gotten to be a general or some39 thing. I waited to see if they'd kiss. But I couldn't see anything. Back in the garden house I immediately grabbed the mike. Old Willi had to hear about this. About one second and I'd found the appropriate text: Enough, Wilhelm: the betrothed is here! . Fortunate that I was not present to witness his reception! That would have rent my heart. End. " "At the most he could've gotten a job somewhere as temporary help. But we would have noticed that, my husband and I.

And the best part was: Charlie suddenly thought the same thing. She said: That's all going to change. Once we're married, right? I started with a sort of grand tour. First I took a look at the pictures he had. The one was a lousy print of Old Gogh's sunflowers. I didn't have anything against Van Gogh and his sunflowers. But when you start finding a picture hanging in 43 every stupid john it begins to make you sick. At the least it'd make me want to puke. Usually I couldn't stand it for the rest of my life.

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The New Sufferings of Young W by Ulrich Plenzdorf
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