The Persian Manual: A Pocket Companion by H. Wilberforce Clarke

By H. Wilberforce Clarke

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All 2nd person singular In the terminations is ya,e m'aruf. * PERSONAL TERMINATIONS. 38. These are Plural, Singular. am, am. ) em, are. ed, are. I, art. y and, are. The personal terminations may be joined * An to a educated native of Shiraz informs the writer that the terminations em, ed (1) (2) (3) should properly be pronounced im, The sound of e in the Id, em, ed, may may never 2nd case is aim, aid. " that of ea in PERSONAL TERMINATIONS. 39 substantive. In compo- or pronoun, adjective, sition (a) The man Ai^-i ^> yj'-io!

Pazlr. suft and 'HI /I)' ft. sumfj. dskftb. kd,o kan. \kaiid. farkan and farshukuf. shinau. rub. glr. go and go,e. kfcusp. If the preceding rules, with their exceptions, be no difficulty will be found in conjugating any learned, Persian verb. We have also VEEB. to sleep, to sleep, khicnlidan khmbidan khusb.

W, ia also used. " 41 Plural. Singular. 2. bdshl basked. 3. bdshad bdskand. Present, mi-bashaw, "I am," &c. Simple Future. bi-bdskam, "I shall, will, or may be," &c. Imperative. 1. (no first 2. bask, 3. Idskem, let us be. person) be thou. basked, be ye. bdskad or bad, let him be bdskand, let them Present Participle (not in use), bdskdn, being. Noun of Agency (not in use), bdshanda, be-er. TENSES FROM THE INFINITIVE. Preterite, or Indefinite Past. " Plural. Singular. budam budem. 2. budl folded.

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