The Rise of Prussia, 1700-1830 by Philip G. Dwyer

By Philip G. Dwyer

At first of the eighteenth century Prussia used to be yet one in a mosaic of German states, however it rose to be the unchallenged chief of German-speaking Europe after the autumn of Napoleon. The ebook is going past the political, army and diplomatic issues of the Prussian elite, whose checklist of occasions is the single upon which so much histories of Prussia are established, and explains its upward thrust relating to Prussian society as an entire. Political research is built-in with fabric on such components as agrarian society, city lifestyles and faith, which aren't totally tested in current histories.

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The lifting of the traditional state protection of the peasantry allowed the nobility to increase the size of their estates at the expense of the peasants. In East Elbia, the nobility received 85 per cent of common lands from the peasants (even if this did not prevent many nobles from going bankrupt) (see Edgar M elton’s contribution). The East Elbian landowning nobility, or Junkers as they are commonly referred to, continued to enjoy a disproportionate share of power and authority in the state for most of the nineteenth century.

Such understanding was perceived as the crucial precondition for reforming the state in a sensible m anner. M uch has been made of the allegedly progressive nature of sub­ sequent Prussian ‘reforms from above’ which, according to several historians, prevented a revolution in Prussia along French lines. By contrast, it has been pointed out more recently that Frederick II’s organization of the state and the army in particular already had a num ber of structural weaknesses which ultimately contributed to the defeat of the Prussian state in 1806—7.

The continued existence of the Prussian state through expansion was such an important element in Prussian politics that it became 26 A lb ert S orel, L ’Europe et la Revolution franfaise, 8 vols (Paris, 1 8 9 3 —1912), i, p. ’ 19 THE RISE O F PRUSSIA 1700- 18 30 an ideological component of the ‘Prussian system’. 27 In all likelihood, this attitude was as prevalent at the end of the eighteenth as at the end of the nineteenth century, although to my knowledge the ideological continuity of Prussian foreign policy has yet to be demonstrated.

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The Rise of Prussia, 1700-1830 by Philip G. Dwyer
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