The Role of the Regions in EU Governance by Frederic Eggermont (auth.), Carlo Panara, Alexander De

By Frederic Eggermont (auth.), Carlo Panara, Alexander De Becker (eds.)

This booklet compares for the 1st time how the areas in seven diversified international locations (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the united kingdom) are fascinated by european governance. it's also the 1st ebook which tackles this subject from assorted views; that of ecu legislations and that of comparative legislation. It contains contributions either from well-established students within the box of european legislations and from more youthful scholars.

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Those prerogatives comprise, inter alia, Regions’ legislative and executive powers allocated by their national legal system, their general interest in economic prosperity and territory, their interest in full judicial protection and the principle of subsidiarity. This chapter assesses the standing of the Regions before the EU Courts and provides an overview of the potential impact of the Treaty of Lisbon on the current situation. The first section of this chapter analyses the Regions’ direct access to EU Courts for challenging the lawfulness of EU measures in annulment actions brought under Article 263 TFEU (former Article 230 EC).

50–57; T-310/97 R, Nederlandse Antillen v Council [1998] ECR II-445, paras. 33–37. 72 Van Nuffel (2001), p. 889. 73 T-417/04, Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia, footnote 12, para. 62. J. 2008 C 327/15; the appeal is still pending. See also T-37/04, Regia˜o auto´noma dos Ac¸ores, footnote 12, para. 82. 74 See also Dani (2004), p. 192. 75 Van Nuffel (2001), p. 887. 76 T-238/97, Comunidad Auto´noma de Cantabria, footnote 7, para. 49 (the contested regulation concerned State aid to certain shipyards); see also T-609/97, Regione Puglia, footnote 7, para.

77 T-238/97, Comunidad Auto´noma de Cantabria, footnote 7, para. 50; T-609/97, Regione Puglia, footnote 7, para. 22. 78 C-142/00 P, Commission v Nederlandse Antillen, footnote 12, para. 69; Order of the President of the CFI of 7 July 2004 in T-37/04 R, Regia˜o auto´noma dos Ac¸ores, footnote 12, para. 118; T-417/04, Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia, footnote 12, para. 61. e. 80 The action was dismissed. 83 Many applicants have claimed that their actions, challenging legislative and executive EU measures, should be declared admissible on the ground that the only effective remedy is an action for annulment before the EU judicature.

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The Role of the Regions in EU Governance by Frederic Eggermont (auth.), Carlo Panara, Alexander De
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