The Third Reich Between Vision and Reality: New Perspectives by Hans Mommsen

By Hans Mommsen

Covers such themes because the Viennese historical past to Hitler's profession; the advance of fascist trends among the German inhabitants through the Weimar interval; the character of aid for nationwide socialism; the parable of the Nazi financial increase and the ideological techniques and political advancements which ended in the mass homicide of eu Jews. creation / Hans Mommsen -- Violence and sacrifice : imagining the country in Weimar Germany / Bernd Weisbrod -- Hitler and Vienna : the reality approximately his early life / Brigitte Hamann -- deadly allure : the German correct and Italian fascism / Wolfgang Schieder -- People's group and struggle : Hitler's renowned help / Norbert Frei -- The Nazi increase : an monetary cul-de-sac / Christoph Buchheim -- Ideological legitimization and political perform of the management of the nationwide Socialist mystery police / Ulrich Herbert -- The Indian summer season and the cave in of the 3rd Reich : the final act / Hans Mommsen

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Only when the crisis of the Weimar Republic came to a head towards the end of the 1920s, did the reservations from the Right about the Fascist regime gradually subside. Now the authoritarian character of Mussolini’s regime was attractive for many observers in the conservative camp. It is interesting to note that in the process of rapprochement between conservatives and Fascism, certain monarchist members of the high aristocracy took the political lead. In the first place, Philipp Prince of Hesse has to be named.

10 The same can be said, with different reasons, of the Communists. By integrating Fascism into the Leninist concept of class struggle, Fascism appeared to be a necessary outgrowth of the capitalist system. But instead of strengthening an anti-Fascist attitude, this analysis tended to limit the impact of Communist anti-Fascism. 11 Thus, the Communists were unable to see the real danger arising from Hitler. 12 This statement even applies to the most astute contemporary observer of Italian Fascism, a professor of law, Hermann Heller.

This and some other arguments make it unmistakably clear that Kubizek’s accusations in this respect were a means of self-protection. There can be no doubt that Hitler, although being confronted with anti-Semitic pamphlets and slogans all the time, did not engage in any clashes or conflicts or gain other negative experiences with Jews. There exists an obvious contradiction between his personal life style and the absorption of the pan-German and Christian-socialist 36 Brigitte Hamann anti-Semitic propaganda.

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