By Steve Benton
So much businesses do not make the simplest use in their wisest humans: those who consistently appear to understand how to get issues performed, clear up the issues that stump every body else, and expect rising possibilities with remarkable velocity. "The knowledge community" is an eye-opening e-book that introduces readers to an eight-step approach for locating and figuring out the facility of the untapped wisdom that exists at each point in their business enterprise.
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Cultures of exclusion discourage participation in informal groups of any kind People feel that no matter what they do, they are not really included in helping to ensure the strategic success of the organization. Some traditional pyramid organizations concentrate decision-making power at the top and make little effort to solicit the ideas of people elsewhere in the organization. An autocratic management mind-set discourages people from expending their time and energy by participating in communities.
At first, things go well. Because of the CEO’s involvement and managerial encouragement, meetings of the new groups are well attended, and everyone raves about the speed and ease of use of the new technology. Initially, some good ideas emerge from these groups, and a few are adopted by decision makers to become actual programs and policies. After a year, though, the CEO is dissatisfied with the results. The knowledge management initiative has yielded no breakthrough concepts. Perhaps worse, people are falling back into their old routines, and attendance at meetings has fallen off.
Do not overlook the contributions of experts who operate outside of the limelight Obvious stars are easily spotted, but there are very savvy people who operate under the radar. When companies manage the knowledge of the stars and neglect the knowledge of those who are less visible but who have great expertise, they diminish the potential of their knowledge networks, and therefore their value to the organization. At every level in every function, experts exist who know how to get things done, who know how to navigate through the organization, and who are brilliant at approaching issues from fresh and highly creative angles.
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