By Epremian, E. ed.; Division of Research, AEC; United States. Dept. of Energy.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Technical Information.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information
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Example text
M a 0 : .... a hours, water-quenched. 5250,C i n evacuated Vycor tubes f o r 8 hours, water-quenched. 4 1 p l u s 525 C i n evacuated Vycor tubes f o r L& hours, water-quenched. 0 l;ll plus 525 C i n evacuated Vycor tubes f o r 312 hours, water-quenched. 82 - $1 plus . o..... Heat Treatments tc) k?? Gz! e I -- Table I1 ...... . ...... .. ...... ...... ..... ........ .. . ...... 0 0 Changes i n E l e c t r i c a l R e s i s t i v i t y of I r r a d i a t e d U-$10 Sample No. Composition A-6 u-9 u-9 U-9 A-8 A-9 .
0 - Discussion of Above Results The' results above shbw t h a t t h e s t a b l e d + 6 phase of U-9, -10,5, -12 and -1j05 w/o Mo a l l o y s r e v e d s back t o t h e metastable befig subje'eted t o neutron bombardment. *P phase' after * =& The e l e c t r i c a l r e s i s t i v i t y behav- ior of these a l l o y s is similar t o t h a t shown in order-disorder alloys 1 -t after neutron bcimbardment in that t h e disordered phase ( & ) s l i g h t l y 3 . orders while t h e ordered phase ( ing the same degree of disorder, 6) disorders, both conditions approach- It m y be surmised t h a t neutron bom- bardmen?
Table I11 Hardness of I r r a d i a t e d U-Mo A l l o y s . Spec. 5 B-1 B-6 B-7 c-1 Fre-Irrad. s. #4 #4 540 30521 384+17 361z7 33429 326214 -5O+26 -3 5z21 #1 310 770 600 47 5 640 324+5 32E9 321+4 326T6 33323 344+6 336z8 307+12 323i5 nos. s. 35qt8 323+14 353716 3 53zl5 nos. s. nos. 500 #2 #2 #3 $3 A4 $4 W/O MO #1 W/O 140 . 5 U-13 5 W/O MO #3 W/O $10 W/O MO #4 #4 . s. -- - nos. n. s. s. I I\ I. s. - not significant I .... 0 . 00 ............... ....... :.. .. e 0 OII .
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