Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and by Alexa Stiller, Kim C. Priemel

By Alexa Stiller, Kim C. Priemel

For many years the historical past of the USA army Tribunals at Nuremberg (NMT) has been eclipsed by way of the 1st Nuremberg trial—the foreign army Tribunal or IMT. The dominant interpretation—neatly summarized within the ubiquitous formulation of "Subsequent Trials"—ignores the original ancient and felony personality of the NMT trials, which differed considerably from that in their predecessor.

The NMT trials marked a decisive shift either when it comes to research of the 3rd Reich and conceptualization of foreign felony legislations.

This quantity is the 1st finished exam of the NMT and brings jointly assorted views from the fields of legislations, heritage, and political technology, exploring the genesis, impression, and legacy of the twelve army Tribunals held at Nuremberg among 1946 and 1949.

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Consequently, the trial was—from its early stages on—not just an investigation of personal juridical guilt but also an issue for public debate on the political and moral responsibility of the German elites for the crimes of the Third Reich. In the eyes of the defendants, their counsel, and their public supporters, this was much more than an academic question of honor—it was a politically highly charged question of their future role in the new German state. As concretization and personification are rather effective means for communicating complex questions to the public, the debate focused more and more on the main defendant, the former Secretary of State Ernst von Weizsäcker, on the one hand, and on the chief prosecutor Kempner on the other.

This will be done by exploring whether there was a straight line connecting Kempner’s journalistic engagement for liberty and democracy in the Weimar Republic and against the seizure of power by the Nazi Party with his activities during the years of exile and as an American citizen, or whether he had to make concessions in the course of his integration into the US bureaucracy. Thirdly, I am going to tackle the question of whether or not the German émigré Kempner influenced the prosecuting authority at Nuremberg and the trials, as well as how he himself was, in turn, affected by the tenets, principles, and daily workings of OCCWC.

Kim C. Priemel and Alexa Stiller nach Gerechtigkeit, eds. Norbert Frei, Dirk van Laak and Michael Stolleis (Munich, 2000), 11–28, here 11; Pendas, Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 142–47; cf. “Introduction,” in Vom Recht zur Geschichte. Akten aus NS-Prozessen als Quellen der Zeitgeschichte, eds. Jürgen Finger, Sven Keller and Andreas Wirsching (Göttingen, 2009), 9–24. For an overview of the legal reckoning with Nazi crimes, though unsystematic, see Patricia Heberer and Jürgen Matthäus, “Introduction.

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Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and by Alexa Stiller, Kim C. Priemel
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