Wise Growth Strategies in Leading Family Businesses by J. Schwass

By J. Schwass

The vast majority of family members companies are either ill-prepared and useless at dealing with the emotional relations similar and the rational company similar complexities they face. This publication, a 9 12 months research of multi-generational award-winning relations companies, offers new and deep insights into their long term good fortune options.

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By 1998, the family had created a council that became the forum for succession planning, preparing next-generation family members and creating a large degree of transparency. Sam, who had seen many family businesses suffer from sibling rivalry, wanted to avoid siblings reporting to each other. , the recreational products business; Curt became chairman of JohnsonDiversey, then the second largest institutional and industrial products and services business in the world; and Winnie, who had a lesser interest in the business, became president of the Johnson Family Foundation.

By the end of the 1930s, the company employed 1,000 workers. In 1942, the company was split into two – Ermenegildo gaining control of his flourishing business. By 1955, Ermenegildo Zegna and Sons employed 1,400 workers and their fabrics were exported to over 40 countries. Ermenegildo’s sons, Angelo, born in 1924, and his brother Aldo, born in 1920, both spent each day after school as children working in their father’s factory. Following the death of Ermenegildo in 1966, Aldo and Angelo decided to expand into the manufacture of readymade suits.

The André family had always been intensely private and unwilling to become more transparent. When fourth-generation Henri André formally became chairman, his predecessor, Georges André, continued to maintain his authority well into the mid-1990s. Henri, who had wanted to become an architect, had entered the family’s business and accepted the chairman’s role out of obligation to the family. Due to an emotional father–son relationship and the continued involvement of his father, he found it difficult to introduce much-needed change.

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Wise Growth Strategies in Leading Family Businesses by J. Schwass
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