World uniforms in colour by Rinaldo D D'Ami

By Rinaldo D D'Ami

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Imagine what must have been my feelings, therefore, when, on counting the cartridges, I found that on an average there were no more than three to four for each man ... I was not capable of sustaining another attack in the present condition ... 'The enemy gave me no time for thought; they attacked with renewed fu . The contest commenced at the barn, which they again succeeded in elting on fire. It was extinguished, luckily, in the same manner as before. Every shot that was now fired increased my uneasiness and anxiety.

The enemy, who all too soon observed our difficul tie ,now boldly broke in one of the doors; however, as only a few could come in at a time, these were instantly bayoneted, and those behind them he itated to follow. They now climbed up on the roof and walls, from which my unfortunate men were easy targets; at the same time they pressed in through tlle open barn, which could no longer be defended ... I gave the order to retire through the house into the garden ... 'As I was now fully convinced, and the officers agreed with me, that the garden could not be held when the enemy were in possession of the Adolph Northen's spirited painting of the fighting at La Haye Sainte, executed in the 1850s.

The common footwear was still low shoes. Surrounding him are some of the paraphernalia he and his comrades carried, including a 'Trotter' frame knapsack, a canteen, a mess tin with its lid, a camp kettle without its lid, and a billhook. G: Driver, 4th (Cleeve's) Foot Battery, King's German Artillery, 1815 Guns were towed by teams of six or eight horses, which were 'driven' in the postillion style by men who rode the nearside horse of each pair. The horse depicted is the 'wheeler' of a team; wheeiers were the pair of horses nearest to the gun and limber, and their harness included 'breeching' - a broad strap which went around the animal's hindquarters to assist in checking the gun when halting or driving downhill.

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World uniforms in colour by Rinaldo D D'Ami
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